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History: News Articles
Image by Omar Elsharawy


Magazine Zwuavé is a global brand but we started in a small California town named East Palo Alto. Here is a song that
captures the beauty of the itty bitty city by the water of 
East Palo Alto .  


Chinese history, Native American history, modern world history; there is so much that can be studied and learned from. History isn't just enjoyable its useful. Ideas like how to solve a problem or deal with a solution have many times came from looking back into the past through studying history or hearing about something from the past and applying what you learned  to your current situation. For example many times when people in the United States talk about

immigration parallels are drawn to the Great Wall of China which is crazy if you think about the fact that people are still talking about a wall that was built over 2000 years ago before being reconstructed in the 1600's by the Ming Dynasty  

Image by Robert Nyman
Image by Joanna Kosinska


If you think about it isn't a "past life" really a mom or dad,  a grandpa or grandma, etc ? If so the environments our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles lived through have a connection to  us historically but also in much deeper ways.

V.A. Office of Research and Development

     [1] "Many Holocaust survivors have PTSD and other emotional disorders, and it's well-known that children of traumatized people are at increased risk for PTSD. Yehuda, long eager to study the children of concentration camp survivors, took the connection one step further in research published Sept. 1, 2016, in Biological Psychiatry

She and her colleagues showed for the first time in humans that epigenetic changes caused by exposure to trauma can be passed on to children born after the event—in this case Holocaust survivors and their adult children. Epigenetic processes alter the expression of a gene without producing changes in the DNA sequence and can be transmitted to the next generation."



Living through the 21st century in America has definitely been momentous. We've seen in just 20 years, the United States invade and go to war in two countries, the first African American United States president in history, a pandemic, and a recession.  These events are recent but they are no doubt history. Magazine Zwuavé loves trivia, tid bits, and interesting history so you can imagine how we enjoy blogging and learning about world events together.

Image by History in HD

Fransisco Pancho Villa

-"I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

©2017 by Magazine Zwuavé. 

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