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How Do I Grow My Lats?


Everything You Need to Know Today

Why Doing Exercises Besides Weight Lifting is Healthy and Necessary 


(Body builder Kane Sumabat pictured)

     Just how it is good to do different kinds of cardio i.e high intensity sprints vs endurance runs; it is also good to do different types of excercise in general.

      You don't want to only do indoor rock climbing  or only go hiking you want to do a mix. It feels good on your body to for example lift as hard as you can tonight then go swimming later or tomorrow during the day time when its hot out. It feels good to use those different muscles and range of motions.

     Your flexibility improves a lot since you're always moving in all sorts of ways. Your muscles also get strong in a unique way because blood and oxygen are constantly being sent to these areas.

     This constant flow of blood makes your cardiovascular system that much stronger. All the organs and arteries are constantly being exercised in different sorts of ways and relying on each other.

    During a bike ride you grip the handle in a specific way where you work out certain muscles. It starts in your hand but then that flexing motion connects thrrough your forearm and up into your biceps, ultimately affecting how big your arms grow and what the actual shape of the bicep heads will be if you do bulk up. When you swim you're completely upside down suspended in the water so your spine expands and its easier to realign your posture. When you ride a skateboard your toes and feet move in a certain way that is hard to replicate anywhere else. The way you flex your feet when you skate affects how your legs and glutes grow in, skating can even be an unofficial part of leg day if you allow it to be.

Weight Lifting: News Articles

Working out without weights 

Rope climbing always seemed like a fun work out to me. It always reminds of me of swinging on the monkey bars as a kid. Excercise is basically recess for adults if you think about it. You also feel that awesome natural high from working out. Thats the cool thing about a natural "clean high" like from working out you don't feel bad after because you didn't put anything bad into your body!Remember as a kid when I would watch tv they always did the rope climb test for P.E. class. None of my P.E. classes ever did the rope climb test but I was wanted to see if I had the upper strength to do it but I haven't ran into any type of machine or rope climbing station at a gym though  


your Lats

Workout in Gym


     I always thought that splitting work outs into push and pull days made sense. Although I used to isolate muscles  for example triceps/chest one day, gluteus/thighs on another day, etc I read some "bro-science" (information gotten from qualitative observations and spread through word of mouth as opposed to quantitative evidence) that the body naturally either "pushes" or "pulls" during a workout.   

     When you think about the traditional lifts like bench pressing and pull ups you know if you lift heavy enough you don't work out only one muscle, you feel sore all over .

     For example if you are doing lunges on leg day, you might notice your abs are also sore the next day even though you weren't specifically going for an ab workout. 

    I thought this push/pull vs isolation split made a lot of sense and I agree with it. When you are at the gym sometimes you only have a good 50 minutes; not even a full hour to work out. If I only have 50 minutes in the weight room and if the machines I need are open then I would prefer to do something like pull ups/shoulder presses and deadlifts as opposed to doing basically the same bicep curls again and again.

    Sometimes we do the same exercise twice like starting on bicep curls with the metal bar then with the dumbbells. When I've done this I have to come back after leg day or whatever because my shoulders didn't really get that work out in I was so focused on biceps.

     When you do a full body exercise like deadlifts or power cleans you're going to work those biceps out I promise you.

     Im not saying don't do curls all i'm saying is why not do those isolation bicep exercises after you do your full body deadlifts and pull ups to really break down those muscles so they can grow back bigger while you sleep? The body is connected, the muscles and joints don't work independently why not work out the same way that the body is,interconnected.


What are "Lat Muscles?"

"Lats" is short for Latissimus Dorsi a muscle a lot of guys think looks cool and spend years trying to grow .

What do the
Latissimus Dorsi
muscles do?

     Lats are responsible for the "puling motion" seen in various upper body work outs.

     Understanding your body and how your muscles work makes lifting weights and bulking a lot easier. It also helps build confidence and pride.

     It must take at least a little self love to be so meticulous about body building, that you memorize all the little muscles and stick to a diet out of love.


Can "fast twitch" muscles affect how easy someone bulks up? Do people who put on muscle easily also gain fat easier? 

Is it possible that someone grows muscle fast but they are not naturally athletic i.e. clumsy and not very gracious, fluid and regal with their movements? Having good form when you dance, run, and lift in my opinion is very important and ties into things like posture and athleticism.

Image by Abby Savage
Outdoor Workout


     With endurance workouts like a brisk swim your are working out your heart and making sure your body is flexible, stretched out, and pumping blood correctly.

     Flexibility and your cardiovascular system are a big part of being healthy but another part of being healthy are fast twitch muscles.

     Fast twitch muscles are responsible for athletic activities we see like sprinting, jumping, kicking a ball, or throwing a punch in boxing. 

     Many people have wondered if there is any connection between ethnicity and the type of muscles you have. Some wonder if this explains why so many great running backs and fighters are African American while many power lifters are the " burly Viking  lumber jack bear whatever" white guy type.

     Some people believe that West Africans have the highest amount of fast twitch muscles while East African peoples are genetically well  built for endurance runs like long distance cardio.

     Personally I don't know one way or another I just thought it was an interesting topic.

Cardio Challenge

Brandon Chillar


(Former Indian-American athlete)

Big arms and a strong back are two of those body parts that help a guy look and feel good in this clothes. Have you ever noticed sometimes two people can wear exactly the same thing but it looks different on each person? One of the reasons is how the clothes drape and contour to your physique. Wife beaters and football jerseys are two examples of clothes that can seem nearly identical but on different people look completely different on depending on the  individual person. 


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