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Religion and Philosophy

Exploring Human Thought and Belief 


Dope,Guns, and Religion: Does God Forgive Drug Dealers and Killers?

Dope, Guns and Religion was an album released in 2006 from the Bay Area musician Husalah (of the Mob Figaz). As a Black Muslim, Husalah brings his own perspective and experience in America from a demographic which isn't always highlighted.  This album title touches on major topics not just for Husalah but for many people who grew up in the hood.

Religion & Philosophy: News Articles


If you have ever seen pictures of mosques and other great architecture in between the Middle East and South East Asia

you would probably agree that these are possibly some of the most beautiful buildings on earth. The geometric designs found on these buildings are incredibly beautiful. The fact that these designs encompass so many different elements like art, civil engineering, religion and math is really incredible. This is an example of the belief that the arts like music and painting are tied or could be tied to something metaphysical, "[1]Derived from the Greek meta ta physika ("after the things of nature"); referring to an idea, doctrine, or posited reality outside of human sense perception. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality. Areas of metaphysical studies include ontologycosmology, and often, epistemology.", something we cant explain but we know its their


Mosaic Tiles

Pray for Mecca
Flood my 
neck up
-French Montana

Religion & Philosophy: Text
Outdoor Oriental Sculpture


Statue of Mary_edited.jpg


Some people don't believe in prayer and some don't know much about praying. Growing up Catholic, praying was about asking for your sins to be forgiven. You would be given a certain number of Hail Marys and with an honest heart your sins can be forgiven.

      Some also believe that  through prayer you ask for something and it might be given to you. For a while I felt like it was wrong to ask for something besides forgiveness when you pray. To me praying was all about being thankful for the people and things around you like good health, the food on your plate, or simple luxuries like nice weather outside.

     It might have a part to do with having a positive strong mindset as well as the strength from God or the universe if you're not into religion. Theirs times where I pray for strength out loud not thinking too much about it and I really do feel more energy. Thats magic to me and how the Bible says faith without works is dead so i'm not saying if you pray all your problems will go away I am just saying that by praying you are keeping your eyes open to any opportunities that come and keeping hope that you will overcome whatever todays obstacles are or should I say "opportunity's to learn and grow"I prefer looking at things that way versus as "obstacles".    


Nativity Scene
Religion & Philosophy: Recent News

"Word of advice for those pursuing a secular education while striving to give your professor an A+ don't give Allah a C."

 Amir "Loon" Junaid Muhadith

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