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Business Portfolio

These are companies that where created, funded, and ran by the Navus Business Consulting team 

Navus Company's

Marcus Designs: Web,Graphics, and Visual Studio

Do you need some photoshop done? Would you like to be part of photo shoots either as a creative director, fashion designer, as a model or just for fun? Been thinking about shooting a music video or starting a website/videogame lately? Marcus Designs is passionate about visuals and the arts not just for our jobs but in our life in general. The arts is when we listen to music when we drive, when we laugh at an old joke and when you pick out your favorite shirt these are all thanks to the arts like design and we love being able to design for a living so please do reach out we love networking and meeting new people. 

$400 (excl. taxes) flat rate

Magazine Zwuavé

Fashion, news, cannabis, dating Magazine Zwuavé is a place to come and learn interesting and useful information. We are not trying to preach to anybody (not that theirs anything wrong with that). Magazine Zwuavé would simply like to provide a place online that isnt so negative and sad. We can mourn lost ones and adress serious topics but Magazine Zwuave tries to focus on building and working together as opposed to getting fixated on the negative in life.If you would like Magazine Zwuavé to write a review for you/your business, if you would like to advertise your businesses or services on Magazine Zwuavé, or if you would like a second opinion on anything you find relevant please do reach out. 

$200 (excl. taxes) per hour

    Magazine Zwuavé Shop: E-Commerce and Online Shopping 

$500 (excl. taxes) retainer consultation fee included 

As a person from a “racialized group”, I cannot count the number of times I have been trying to shop only to have the store security constantly follow me around. I hope to start an excellent luxury e commerce brand that caters to Black/Latino/Pacific Islander/Middle Eastern men. Im tired of giving my money to stores who treat me bad but when I speak out the security blames the store policy’s. A company or brand is abstract. I cant interact with the brand only the employees who blame the brand. I want unappreciated people to have somewhere they can go where they are treated right and appreciated. We want to ship to you as fast as possible and provide a delivery experience where we respect your yard, your driveway, your business, and you. We are happy to see you, wear re grateful that you allow us to serve you not make you feel like you’re not wanted or welcomed because of how you look.

Bien Limpió House Keeping
& Project 

Bien Limpio is a house keeping and project management company ran by Navus Business Consulting. The economy in the United States is a service based economy as opposed to a manufacturing economy for example. We proudly offer and procure top quality house keeping and property management services like: dry cleaning delivery, gardening/landscaping, carpet/flooring, demolition and hauling, car washing/detailing, mechanics and private Security guards/Door men.  

$100 (excl. taxes) per hour

Technical Computing Projects 

$500 (excl. taxes) retainer consultation fee included 

This is for projects with a focus more on algorithms, electronics, software development, and back end/"database management" for example when building a mobile app. Since these projects are much more complicated they take longer and at times require specific textbooks/online courses or physical manufacturing materials be bought to construct. 

Technology Today Podcast

$300 (excl. taxes) per hour

Technology Today is like Magazine Zwuave's alter ego. Even though Navus Business Consulting is the business side and holding company of these projects and they appear to be the same thing, an online blog they are different. I was inspired by the idea of "sister colleges" from academia for example if it is a religious school their might be different schools based on genders.This can extend to topics taught or practiced at these schools, an interesting, well known example is MIT and Harvard. Massachusetts Institute of Technology how the name describes is focused on tech and engineering;MIT is famous for recruiting,

cultivating, and producing some of the greatest engineering minds in which ever industry alumni enter.While passions and interests may differ, presidents, Supreme Court judges (and other powerful people in law/politics), culture moving poets, world famous researchers and business leaders go to Harvard as well. I love this dichotomy; to achieve such greatness in two completely different areas is beautiful. When making Technology Today I wanted to have enough space to write all the articles and have all the pages I needed on science and technology. I also drew back on my inspiration from the Harvard/MIT set up because I loved the idea of "Magazine Zwuave is the arts/culture side of the house and Technology Today can be on the other side of the house with topics that fit and make sense together like coding,physics,math etc. If you would like to advertise on Technology Today,have Technology Today talk and do presentations, or have Technology Today write for you/your business please reach out with any business inquireis thank you and God bless.  

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