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The Firm

 Founded in 2015

 As management and consultants in the business technology space; my team and I help entrepreneurs "navigate" their way around starting a new business, as well as going in a new direction with existing businesses.

    We set and achieve company goals as well as implement corporate strategy's. We push everyone involved like a strong wind to help stay on time and on course. We are all trying to do our best as business people wether that means working at a company or running your own business and that is especially true how we saw during the pandemic.

   Nobody is going to have all the answers, my team and I pride ourselves on working together and bringing together different peoples skill sets. Theirs no, "big I's and little u's" we respect our business partners and hope to learn a little from everybody as well as teach everybody a little bit .

Marcus Carriel:Management & Web Consulting

Our Vision:

To help your business navigate its way too high profits and fast growth. We bring years of experience, formal business training, and our network of friendly business professionals.


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Marcus L. Carriel

Business Consultant

Hello my name is Marcus Lopez Carriel. I am a 25 year old entrepreneur and software engineer based in the San Fransisco Bay Area. On this page, is my most current resume and work portfolio. Feel free to reach out regarding business matters through my work email; thank you and God bless.

Email : 

Navigating your way to the money

Value 01.


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